La prima uscita di Terra Desolata è "Ornery" di Mr. Henry, un disco fisico, diretto, che si divide tra ballate disperate e sfuriate industrial, malinconie lo-fi e blues destrutturati. Ornery ci mostra il lato più estremo del cantautore: voci distorte, filtrate, sussurrate, gridate ed annegate in un mare di pulsazioni elettroniche, tra grooves primitivi, lenti e zoppicanti, chitarre acide, synth urticanti e testi nonsense. Un disco al contempo dolce e arrabbiato, incentrato sulla melodia e sulla scrittura, privo di facili concessioni alla moda del momento e di inutili intellettualismi, in grado, nei suoi 24 minuti, di conciliare Tom Waits, Nine Inch Nails, Captain Beefheart, Throbbing Gristle, rumore e canzone d'autore.
The first Terra Desolata record is Ornery by the Italian outsider Mr. Henry. Ornery is a direct and physical album that ranges from industrial blasts and destructured blues to melancoholic lo-fi and despetrate ballads. This third Mr. Henry album shows his more extreme musical side: distorted, filtered, whispering, screaming voicals drowned in a sea of electronic pulses, primitive, uneven, slow grooves, acid, fuzzy guitars, disturbing synths and nonsense lyrics. But Ornery is more than that is at the same time sweet and angry, it's focused on melody and songwriting, avoids fashionable solutions and unuseful intellectualism, a record that in its 24 minutes succesfully conciliates melody and noise.
Punk Reactionary Manifesto of Discographic Resistance
- Terra Desolata refuses MP3 as the format to distribute its records.
- Terra Desolata refuses standardized production of phongrafic supports in favour of artisan production of Cd-r, Musicassettes and Vinyls.
- Terra Desolata refuses the official channels of distribution in favour of direct selling and direct contact with the final customer.
- Terra Desolata is against hype, unrespectfull talkings during concerts, critics slaves to the Records Companies and false Alternative guys that are the ruin of the Indie Scene.
- Terra Desolata believes in limited editions, in house concerts,word of mouth and DIY.
- Terra Desolata believes that 18 Euros for a d is a legalized robbery by Majors and big Music Editors
- Terra Desolata belives that in hard times like these in which exhibitionism and standardization spread everywhere, turning off the TV and turning On the Stereo is a huge contribution the public mental healthiness.
- Terra Desolata's name is derived by the catastrophic cultural italian situation and is the Italian for wasteland, but we are incurable romantics and hope, that one day, also thanks to our work, we could change our name into PROMISED LAND!
Terra Desolata Against the stress and strain of Modern Indie!
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